How to Run a Popup Store on Open Food Network

Apr 10, 2021 | E-Commerce, Resources for Farmers

Creating a pop-up store is just like running a year round store on OFN, except you are doing it for a weekend or a short duration!  If you’d like to set up your own pop-up store, here are the steps to follow:

Create your storefront

If you don’t have a store already, enter your store details. You should provide your customers with information about what you sell, your hours of operation, and other logistical information (opening times and any pickup instructions are important).  It also important to note that lots of us shop with our eyes: So in addition to including a logo and banner, consider other ways to include pictures or linking to your instagram, facebook or pinterest pages.

Setup pickup options

Setup your pickup and shipping options in the “shipping methods” section of the dashboard.  You can create as many as you need and customers will choose one option at checkout.  Here are some more instructions on how to set up shipping methods (including some specific details on how to setup a delivery/shipping fee if you choose to offer that option).

And congratulations, your store is ready to go! 

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